Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl Commercials

Out of all the commercials during the Super Bowl, my favorite was the Doritos commercial involving a guy that changed things around him to suite his wants, but once he ran out of Doritos he got hit by a truck. Not only did I think the ad was very funny, appealing to pathos, but also gave the audience a sense of urgency to acquire a bag of Doritos. The way the chips allowed the guy to have power over his surroundings makes the viewer feel like the chips will help solve any problem, and a lack of Doritos will ultimately have horrible outcomes, once again appealing to pathos. Ethos does not really play a major role in the commercial because there is no source besides the voice in the background, but logos does cause the audience to evaluate whether the events of the commercial are possible. Pathos weighs the most and has the most influence, not only because of the humor, but also because it makes the audience feel a necessity to buy Doritos.

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