Thursday, February 5, 2009

Free Write

Parkinson's Disease affects millions of people all over the world, from Muhammad Ali and Michael J. Fox to a neighbor down the street and my dad. Even with the enormous amount of medicines and surgeries these patients could take to slightly relieve the symptoms, no cure has yet been found. As anyone suffering with a disease or condition would tell you, a possible cure is an idea that immediately gives hope and excitement for a better life. Stem cells can regrow neurons in the brain that cause the disease, and in a short amount of time. Stem cells could provide a potential cure for Parkinson's Disease in a short amount of time, and with new noncontroversial forms of stem cells, we should waste no time in research and the pursuit of a better quality of life for Parkinson's patients.
Since I have not looked into this topic much, my initial source will be Wikipedia. I want to gather general information and be able to pursue other sources. I could also look at medical journals, such as the monthly newsletter that my dad gets concerning developments for Parkinson's disease, or maybe some websites that I've used for biology classes, such as PubMed or other scholarly journals.
Major obstacles that I will probably face writing this paper will be trying to focus on convincing people that stem cells provide a potential cure for Parkinson's Disease, and so they should be used without hesitation. I could possibly get sidetracked in an argument over embryonic stem cells or somatic stem cells, and I could also get caught up in writing an informative paper on Parkinson's Disease.

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