Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Plagiarism in any form can not only damage a student's grade and reputation, but can also reflect badly on the original author of the work. Students who are caught plagiarizing are viewed as slackers and cheaters who will do anything to get a good grade for the lack of work. Here at Clemson, the idea of a good grade gets knocked out immediately upon the decision to copy someone's work because of the anti-plagiarism policy, and the sudden consequences of copying another person's work can be a failed assignment, course, or expulsion from Clemson University all together. The student who is caught copying another work automatically brings a negative reputation to his or her name and negates whatever is claimed original in the assignment. Plagiarism also damages the original author's work, leading people to associate the negative work of the cheater with the authentic work of the author. Plagiarism, or any other form of copying another person's work and claiming it as one's own, is wrong and should not be accepted anywhere for any assignment.

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