Friday, February 13, 2009

Log - February 13

I found the book Cell of Cells on the fifth floor of the library, but I did not find any information that I thought would be helpful for this paper. I found a book, Stem Cell Transplantation by Ho, Hoffman, and Zanjani, which talked about stem cells producing neural cells on page 80. It even mentions the SC derived neurons containing dopaminergic pathway, which involves dopamine, the chemical Parkinson's patients lack. Another book, Chemical and Functional Genomic Approaches to Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine edited by Sheng Ding, talks about neural stem cells on page 38. Another book, Stem Cells by Evelyn B. Kelly, talks about Parkinson's Disease and the hope of stem cells on page 49. These books could possibly have a lot more information in following pages, but I haven't looked yet.

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