Thursday, April 9, 2009

p. 210-Group Discussion

1. Our presentation will consist of our movie and pictures with oral speech.
2. Our audience is the class, students who also have eaten at the dining halls and understand everything we're talking about in the videos. That common background will help our audience relate to our purpose and views. Our audience deals with dining hall food everyday and will probably agree with us completely.
3. Our purpose is to show how bad the dining hall food is and to convince enough people to try to change what is offered in dining halls.
4. Our presentation is considered deliberative or legislative discourse. It is designed to argue a position.
5. We want to come across as concerned and friendly to our audience. I want to be seen as an equal that happens to be doing something about a common problem.
6. We want to use an informative and concerned tone in this paper.
7. We'll use quotes and data from research and photographs and videos in a movie/photo essay.

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