Thursday, April 23, 2009

Final Reflection

English 103 focuses on the theme Culture, Identity, and Society. We finished assignments on visual rhetoric, including the ideas of logos, pathos, and ethos, and assignments that focused on our ability to use technology. We incorporated rhetoric into each assignment throughout the semester, and used rhetoric as a main tool of influence and argumentation to either persuade or move our audience to our point of view.
In the first assignment on advertisements, we focused our attention on how well an advertisement accomplished bringing in clientele for its business and how rhetoric was displayed in pictures, words, and setting. In our second assignment, we conducted research on important issues in our society today, and tied together background information of the issue and personal ideas about how our culture should react to the issue. In our third assignment, we used rhetorical strategies to develop an argument about either problems in our immediate society or in our broad culture today. We used technology, including Windows MovieMaker and digital cameras, to capture videos and pictures that would generate and support our argument.
Each assignment incorporated rhetorical ideas to provide basis for argument, but also included influences from culture, our own personal identities, and society. English 103 has taught us to use rhetoric to form our ideas over an argument and use them to define our place in society today.

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