Tuesday, March 24, 2009

p. 174 At a Glance-Draft Revision

When looking at my first draft after a long break, I noticed that I often assumed the reader already had background knowledge on my topic, which led me to leave out important definitions and statements that would help the reader understand my argument. I also noticed that I would give evidence to support my argument but not say where the evidence came from or elaborate on how the evidence backed up each point of my argument.
In the middle of my paper, where I defined different types of stem cells, I need to use sections to clearly separate the differences in each type of stem cell. I also need to improve my transitions within each paragraph of my paper, and include an image.
Revising my paper would help the paper flow better and make it easier for the reader to understand each specific point of my argument. All of my revisions will help connect every idea in my paper.

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